Natural Fenugreek Supplement for Increasing Breast Milk and Lactation Support

Breastfeeding is hard.

Fenuboost can help,



Fenuboost is a plant-based fenugreek seed supplement support for increasing breastmilk levels. Every bottle of Fenuboost is traceable to the Canadian farm for your peace of mind — #1 quality and safety assurance.



Fenuboost is rooted in quality. This consistent quality assurance sets us apart - giving mothers a safe and healthy way to optimize breastfeeding and milk production. Breastfeeding can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. Fenuboost is an easy solution. Having the highest quality is proven through traceability - the fenugreek in each bottle can be traced to its Canadian farm where it was grown. Not only that, Fenuboost is produced solely with water - meaning no chemicals, alcohols, or solvents are added - keeping our supplements pure and clean. Fenugreek is considered one of the most popular and utilized supplements for supporting and optimization of lactation and breast milk supply.


We take pride in our supplements. From a small farm in Avonlea, Saskatchewan, whose farmer and family's innovative vision for health has sprouted a natural support for motherhood. This supplement - Fenuboost - blossomed. In optimizing breastfeeding and milk production, Fenuboost is a safe, non-gmo solution for mothers. Guided by a commitment to safety - one family's dedication to the quality and purity of Fenuboost meets the highest standards for mothers. Only grown on Canadian farms and local production allows Fenuboost to be consistent - through trust, purity, and quality assurance. This farm family’s vision seeded and grew - not just a supplement - a healthy beginning for mother and child.

I didn’t have any trouble producing enough milk for my first 2 boys. However, due to some placenta that wouldn’t clear out of my body my milk supply dropped significantly for my 3rd boy. I started taking 1 capsule 2 times a day of Fenuboost and my milk supply jumped up immediately to where it should be.
— Kate L Regina, SK

our mission

Breastfeeding is hard. The solution is easy - Fenuboost, naturally!
